The illuminati rule the world! Look at the bilderburg group,bohemian grove,skull and bones,the freemasons,mk-ultra,the nwo,the p.n.a.c,the cfr! This is the externalization of the heirarchy! The illuminati want one thing and that is a totlitarian one world goverment! Moo-hahahhahahahha!
2-Pac was killed by the illuminati after releasing killuminati don 7! Subliminal messeges are legal now.Get ready for the post-human movement! Nano Technology,robotics,RDIF chips will be used against you.Right now corporations and multi-media enterprises brainwash you. The worse thing is even if you know the truth you won't do anything about it! If there is a rebellion it will be a rebellion us.Moo-HAHAHA lets go worship Molech!
-A Messege From The Lizard Creatures
We are approaching an evolutionary event horizon, where the organic and the synthetic, the virtual and the "real", are merging together into an operational ecology, an existence morphology for which there is no precendent in the history of which we are currently aware, catalyzed by nanotechnology"
Get ready for the post-human movement! 7nJo Ozdc L-90 DT34