damn where did it go? I thought maybe they just thought I sucked but I don't see anyones art and the links not working.Will it return?IF not here was a art piece.
WE Fighting da superbeingz from da fourth dimension! They from da fourth dimension we from da 3rd and a half! We have vagina robots aka vage boxes and vampire cybernetic chicken aka vamp cocks.Its time to bring da mutterfuckin ruckus wit music!
Age 36, Male
Mangina Warrior!!!
Troma High
3rd1/2dimensionSW FL239
Joined on 5/21/09
Posted by DaManginasfcwalb - June 22nd, 2009
damn where did it go? I thought maybe they just thought I sucked but I don't see anyones art and the links not working.Will it return?IF not here was a art piece.
yeah whats up wid dat i was on it every day for like 4 hours and now its going all funky :(
4 hours everyday damn.If you see any great artists when its back up let me know.Yeh its not coo to take it down randomly like that.I hope they can easily restore all the pieces if they put it back up! I just got on today and I was diggin on alot of the art.Also if you want feel free to chek out my music/rate/review/wuteva!
if they are working on it I hope they have a ranking system so the top pieces in the top categorys are displayed.It shouldn't be a giant popularity contest but people should have a reason to stick quality art in.But they should keep it up! Its was really interesting. I would be on it alot. It beats deviantart and juxtapozes website for me.The only other concern would be stolen art.
It's being updated probably.
Tru.Happy late Birthday dude! Maybe Mr.Fulp will update the art portal really awesome 4u!Also if u want feel free to chek out the poop I make!peace.Have an awesome birthday two days after your bithday.later.
Ranking system = really bad idea when there are only a few votes per submission
Leaves it way too open to mean-spirited people voting down others' work.
Just look at the Music Portal. Enough said. With no ranking system, they don't have a reason to do it.
The only sort of "ranking" I can support for the Art Portal at present is an unranked "top 100" that requires a high minimum # of votes to get in (like 250). "unranked" meaning that the places in the top 100 are randomly assigned each time it loads, and nobody can tell if their artwork about to drop out of the list or not, or which artwork is #1.
yeh i could get down with the system you are in favor of.I like the way it is now but soon its going to get to the point where there is billions of drawingz and quality should always come before quantity.In the meantime I am appreciative of what it is now!Thanks for the response.It is not a bad ideal to engage in dialouge.Take care.PEace.Later.
your right i can't get to it either >.> their propbaly just working on it or something
DaManginasfcwalb (Updated )
Tru,if they are working on it I hope they have a ranking system so the top pieces in the top categorys are displayed.It shouldn't be a giant popularity contest but people should have a reason to stick quality art in.But they should keep it up! Its was really interesting. I would be on it alot. It beats deviantart and juxtapozes website for me.The only other concern would be stolen art.Also if you want feel free to chek out my music/rate/review/wuteva!